Join HMA
Member Benefits
Membership is open to all businesses in the Hampstead zip code, 21074. Annual dues are $65 for a single business, $110 for multiple business membership (if owned by the same person), and $40 for Non-Profits.
Location and time is updated on our calendar of events to allow businesses the opportunity to attend according to their schedule.
All related changes or cancellations will be posted on our Facebook page and weather related closings will follow the CCPS schedule.
A Rich History Of Business and Community
Embracing the business values and standards that have made our history strong can help us to better our future in the growing Hampstead community. Working together can open doors of opportunity in strategic management, marketing and community relations.
To have a successful organization that can positively impact the business community, we need the commitment of the local merchants and professionals.
We look forward to working together to create a a dynamic and vibrant business community.
The HMA is always looking for talented business partners. Email us at and let us know your interest level and we will contact you to provide more information.
Join today and take advantage of the support and energy of shared projects and marketing opportunities.